Budi Setyarso

Soft Cover (1)

Indonesia (1)

Hasil: 1 - 3 dari 3
April 2017
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SUKARNO, the nation’s first president, acknowledged that Haji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto changed his life around. He was not only Sukarno’s father-in-law, he was also his political guru and of other independence movement leaders, such as Semaoen, Musso, Alimin and Kartosoewirjo. But in the end, the mentor of our founding fathers stood alone ...
April 2017
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Many know him as an Indonesian Communist Party leader during the rebellions of 1926 and 1948, the first of which was against the Netherlands Indies colonial government, while the second, in Madiun, East Java, was against the newly established Indonesian government. His name was Musso, a son of Kediri known for his religious diligence as a child ...
Soft Cover, Desember 2012
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Peristiwa 5 Oktober 2012 adalah puncak drama. Pejabat-pejabat penting tampil dengan pernyataan bernada tinggi. Semua berpusar pada dua kutub: gedung KPK dan Mabes Polri.  Berbagai peristiwa menghebohkan  menyusul: penggeledahan, penangkapan, dan aksi massa. Publik pun bertanya-tanya: apa yang membuat KPK dan Polri “berebut” perkara korupsi proyek simulator kemudi? Proyek lain apa saja yang menjadi sumber konflik kepentingan? Ada apa di balik penangkapan Novel Baswedan? ...