Hasil: 41 - 60 dari 1311
Workbook 3 oleh Robby Lou
Soft Cover, September 2021 Rp. 57.000 Rp. 45.600 (20% OFF)
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Soft Cover, September 2021 Rp. 58.000 Rp. 46.400 (20% OFF)
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Soft Cover, Juli 2021 Rp. 98.000 Rp. 78.400 (20% OFF)
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Buku ini ditulis untuk masyarakat luas. Bagi para pelajar, buku ini akan menunjang pelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah. Bagi para guru, buku ini dapat dijadikan materi alternatif tentang bagaimana membuat percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris di kelas. Bagi para karyawan dan profesional, buku ini dapat dijadikan alat bantu untuk menghadapi wawancara atau melakukan presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Bagi masyarakat umum, buku ini sangat bermanfaat karena sarat akan pengetahuan umum. Buku ini ditulis ...
English Daily Conversation oleh IRA ATMAJA
Soft Cover, Juli 2021
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Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris selayaknya menjadi prioritas utama bukan karena kita ingin menjadi kebarat-baratan dan keren tapi ini adalah tuntutan globalisasi. English Daily Conversation bisa menjadi awal yang baik untuk mulai belajar percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris karena ditulis dalam bahasa yang mudah dipahami dan sangat praktis. Buku ini sangat direkomendasikan bagi siapa saja yang ingin belajar bahasa Inggris. Kata-kata yang digunakan sangat sederhana sehingga pembaca akan lebih mudah ...
Soft Cover, Juni 2021
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If there is one thing that the Covid 19 •Pandemic has taught us, it is how to deal with being alone. Quarantine and Social Distancing, while keeping us away from each other,has forced us to confront that person we normally have the least time for. Which is our own Self. The Self that we have neglected and ignored during our busy lives interacting with the outside world, but which many of us could no longer avoid as we spend more time at home and shy away from public places. We can however, ...
Soft Cover, Mei 2021
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New York has become a cinematic icon often featured in movies, not just a setting but also as a character and subject of the story, like in Nora Ephron’s You’ve Got Mail, Woody Allen’s Annie Hall, and Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver. New York is practically one of the most culturally distinctive places in the world that Raia, a writer, chose to flee to this city to chase inspirations after years of not being able to write even a single sentence, imprisoned by a haunting trauma. Raia ...
MEDUSAE oleh Theodora Sarah Abigail
Soft Cover, Mei 2021
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A girl is born every hour. Goodbye, says the mother. Who are you? asks the father. Every hour, a new curse is unleashed upon the world. *** Once upon a time, in a near yet far-off place, a child sprung into being. Her misadventures, mysterious and absurd, are recounted here as poems. Accompanied by black-and-white illustrations from award-winning artist Nadiyah Rizki S, Medusae is a reincarnation of the myths, legends, and folklore passed down over the past three centuries—from ...
Her Thoughts oleh Radin Azkia
Soft Cover, Maret 2021
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march 20 i don't know anything about love but once i know you i know for sure this is the closest thing to it. when was the last time you pour your heart out into a diary? raw words flow as you scribble to release all the emotions within. that's what her thoughts is all about after this, you might wanna write your thoughts down too. ...
Dreams, Spelled in Poetry oleh Helena Natasha
Hard Cover, Februari 2021 Rp. 90.000 Rp. 72.000 (20% OFF)
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Dreaming feels like boarding a magic carpet. I'm flying into the night imagination shaping the clouds, hands holding the stars. No fear, just the magic I trust. It'll take me to a place I don't know yet,  somewhere I belong. ...
Soft Cover, Desember 2020 Rp. 150.000 Rp. 120.000 (20% OFF)
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You are loved by Allah exactly as you are in this very moment. The #1 international bestselling book, Secrets of Divine Love was written for the longing heart, for the one who is searching for something they have not been able to find. For the one who sometimes spirals into hopelessness and cannot help but feel too imperfect for a perfect God to love. This book is for the one who is at the edge of their faith, who has experienced religion as a harsh winter instead of the life-bearing ...
Soft Cover, November 2020
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Without Fear oleh Adi K.
Hard Cover, Oktober 2020 Rp. 90.000 Rp. 72.000 (20% OFF)
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It’s about fear. Fear of losing. Fear of loving. Fear of staying. Sometimes, we live with our fear, and we were consumed by it. But we always forget that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. This book depicts many emotions: the fear of love, of life, even the fear of death and afterlife. With surreal illustrations by Robby Garsia, this book can make our hearts wander in vivid and endless imaginations. ...
Soft Cover, Oktober 2020 Rp. 55.000 Rp. 44.000 (20% OFF)
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Kemampuan memahami teks termasuk salah satu goal yang ingin dicapai oleh banyak orang yang belajar bahasa Inggris. Pemahaman tersebut tidak sebatas pada kata per kata atau frasa per frasa, tetapi pemahaman terhadap teks secara menyeluruh. Untuk mencapai goal tersebut, diperlukan praktik sesering mungkin dengan membaca teks dan mempelajarinya. Buku ini mengajak Anda berselancar dan belajar bahasa Inggris lewat beragam teks bacaan yang dilengkapi dengan pembahasan kosakata, terjemah, dan ...
Emily Dickinson - Selected Poems oleh Emily Dickinson
Soft Cover, September 2020
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I hide myself within my flower, That wearing on your breast, You, unsuspecting, wear me too--- And angels know the rest. I hide myself within my flower, That, fading from your vase, You, unsuspecting, feel for me Almost a loneliness. ...
Becoming Unstoppable oleh Maria Rahajeng & Elizabeth Rahajeng
Hard Cover, September 2020
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Unstoppable isn’t about perfection. It’s about going through things you never thought you’d go through that bring you to places you never thought you’d get to. It`s a spirit and mindset that has gotten us through our darkest days. The word itself means impossible to stop or prevent. Being unstoppable means not backing down or giving up even when the world is up against you, because we believe that nothing and no one can stop a person from achieving their purpose. ...
Comprehensive English Situational Speaking oleh NUR ROSITA,S.PD.,M.A
Soft Cover, September 2020 Rp. 58.000 Rp. 46.400 (20% OFF)
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Dalam bahasa Inggris, speaking dianggap sebagian kalangan paling sulit dibanding listening, reading, dan writing. Kesulitan tersebut semakin bertambah jika penguasaan kosakata masih terbatas serta kurang memahami berbagai macam ekspresi dalam konteks situational speaking. Padahal, setiap situasi pembicaraan tentu memberikan konteks yang berbeda-beda. Buku ini sangat bermanfaat untuk menuntun Anda lancar berbicara bahasa Inggris dalam konteks situasi yang sangat beragam. Dengan ...
UPS Handbook oleh Robert Delauter
Soft Cover, Agustus 2020 Rp. 773.500 Rp. 618.800 (20% OFF)
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Not an engineer, but need to know the basics of battery backup power? UPS Handbook breaks down the complex world of Uninterruptible Power Supply systems into simple-to-understand language. If you need to know the basics of UPS systems but not the expertise of how to repair them, this book is for you. ·        What is an Uninterruptible Power Supply system? ·        How do they ...
Sun oleh Tere-liye
Soft Cover, Juni 2020
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His name is Ali, he’s sixteen years old, he’s in Class 11. If only his parents would let him, he ought to have been doing his senior year of a doctoral programme in physics at one of the best universities. Ali doesn’t like his school or his teachers or his classmates. He finds it all boring. But since he found out that there’s something odd about two of his classmates, me and Seli, his boring life has become fun. I can disappear and Seli can produce lightning. Ali himself has a small ...
Milking Our Memories oleh Pat Walsh
Soft Cover, April 2020
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150 YEARS OF THE WALSHS OF WALSHS ROAD SOUTH PURRUMBETE Milking Our Memories is a memoir of the tribulations and triumphs of two Irish teenagers and their Australian descendants. Set in the context of their times, it is both a window onto some of the great upheavals of the last 150 years and the day to day fortunes of one Australian family in country Victoria. Sometimes sad, often funny, it is a tribute to all the Walshs who have farmed, lived, and thrived on Walshs Road, South Purrumbete, and ...
Soft Cover, Maret 2020
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Meetings are not always effective. No clear agenda, no participation from the audience, and no decision after hours of meeting - these are just few things contributing to an ineffective meeting. Imagine you are the leader of the meeting - would you let this happen? Leading a meeting is about progressing towards a decision making, to come to a conclusion of what to do next. Aside from a clear agenda of why a meeting is needed, those in the room have their role to play. As participants, ...