Desi Anwar
Inspirasional & Spiritualitas

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Soft Cover, Juli 2019 Rp. 68.000 Rp. 51.000 (25% OFF)
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Sebagai manusia, kita semua pandai membuat hidup menjadi rumit. Kita isi hidup kita dengan harapan, kecemasan, dan ketakutan. Kita dibayang-bayangi masa lalu, kita mencemaskan masa depan, dan kita mengabaikan masa kini. Kita mencari kepuasan dalam kebendaan dan kebahagiaan dalam angan-angan, sering dengan mengorbankan kekayaan yang hadir di sekitar kita. Hidup Sederhana merupakan kumpulan perenungan, pengamatan, dan pemikiran yang dihimpun oleh Desi Anwar dari pengalamannya, kenangan masa ...
Soft Cover, Juni 2021
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If there is one thing that the Covid 19 •Pandemic has taught us, it is how to deal with being alone. Quarantine and Social Distancing, while keeping us away from each other,has forced us to confront that person we normally have the least time for. Which is our own Self. The Self that we have neglected and ignored during our busy lives interacting with the outside world, but which many of us could no longer avoid as we spend more time at home and shy away from public places. We can however, ...
Hidup Sederhana oleh Desi Anwar (1)
Soft Cover, Agustus 2014
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A Simple Life oleh Desi Anwar
Soft Cover, Desember 2014
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If there's one thing we're good at, is making our lives complicated. We fill it with expectations, anxieties and fears. We fret about the past, we worry about the future, we ignore the present. We seek fulfillment in material things and happiness in wishful thinking, often at the expense of the riches that already surround us. A Simple Life is a collection of musings, observations and thoughts that Desi Anwar gathers from her experience, childhood recollections and perspectives, as ...