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The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #1 & #2 (Soft Cover)
The Alchemyst & The Magician
oleh Michael Scott

Ketersediaan : Stock tidak tersedia

Format : Soft Cover
Tanggal Terbit : April 2009
Bahasa : Indonesia
Penerbit : Matahati
Dimensi : 140 mm x 210 mm

The Alchemyst Kebenaran: Nicholas Flamel lahir di Paris pada bulan 28 September 1330. 700 tahun kemudian, dia dikenal sebagai Alchemyst terbesar di masanya. Kabarnya, dia menemukan rahasia kehidupan abadi. Menurut catatan, dia meninggal pada tahun 1418, tetapi makamnya ternyata kosong. Legenda: Nicholas Flamel masih hidup karena dia menemukan obat untuk Hidup Abadi. Semua rahasia itu ada dalam buku catatannya -- buku Abraham the Mage. Bila buku tersebut jatuh ke orang yang salah, buku itu bisa menyebabkan kehancuran umat manusia.Terkadang, suatu legenda merupakan kebenaran. The Magician Nicholas Flamel, sang Alchemyst, manusia abadi, kembali ke tanah kelahirannya: Paris, Prancis. Bersama Scathach dan si kembar, Sophie dan Josh Newman, kedatangan mereka disambut oleh sang pakar kebohongan, manipulator andal, seorang lelaki Italia ambisius, Niccolò Machiavelli. Konon, ia jauh lebih berbahaya dari Dee. Sementara itu Perenelle Flamel ditawan di Alcatraz, dalam penjagaan ketat sphinx. Namun jika Perenelle menyangka hanya sendirian di pulau kosong itu, ia salah. Alcatraz adalah pulau para hantu. Dan Perenelle bukan satu-satunya tahanan di sana. Di dua tempat terpisah, Paris dan Alcatraz, mereka harus berjuang mempertahankan dunia dari cengkeraman para Tetua Gelap. Berhasilkah mereka melawan makhluk-makhluk yang hanya muncul dalam mimpi buruk, sementara Flamel semakin menua setiap harinya...?

Kategori dan Rangking Bestseller:

Tentang Michael Scott:
Irish-born Michael Scott began writing over twenty-five years ago, and is one of Ireland 's most successful and prolific authors, with one hundred titles to his credit, spanning a variety of genres, including Fantasy, Science Fiction and Folklore. He writes for both adults and young adults and is published in thirty-three countries, in twenty languages.

He is considered one of the authorities on the folklore of the Celtic lands and is credited with the resurgence of interest in the subject in the mid-1980's. His collections, Irish Folk & Fairy Tales, Irish Myths & Legends and Irish Ghosts & Hauntings have remained continuously in print for the past twenty years and are now included amongst the definitive and most-quoted works on the subject.

His horror novels, Banshee, Image, Reflection, Imp and more recently Hallows are considered classics of the genre and draw heavily upon his encyclopaedic knowledge of folklore.

In the United States , the first two volumes of his fantasy trilogy, Silverhand and Silverlight, were published to exceptional reviews, Publishers Weekly declaring "This shows how good fantasy can be."

Whom The Gods Love, a ground-breaking dark-fantasy set in the hitherto unexplored world of ancient Etruria ...

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(Soft Cover)
oleh Michael Scott
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1 Review
Tulis Review Anda
oleh devie limandibrata pada Senin, 9 November 2009
another fantasy book that blow my mind away..but its to long to wait for the 3'th book..already forgot about the story..
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