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Some Kind of Summer (Soft Cover)
oleh Calista Oetama

Harga Resmi : Rp. 65.000
Harga : Rp. 52.000 (20% OFF)

Ketersediaan : Stock di Gudang Supplier

Format : Soft Cover
Tanggal Terbit : 11 Mei 2022
Bahasa : Indonesia
Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Dimensi : 135 mm x 200 mm

Summer break for the Bartletts was not fun. Her parents argued every day, making Clementine and Felix walk on the eggshells. Fortunately, an escape came in the form of their sympathetic neighbors, Perry Moore. As the children grew closer, a suspicious affair complicated their newfound friendship. Clementine realized that no one seemed to be telling the truth--and it`s up to her to find out why.

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