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Puisi & Sastra

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Menanam Warisan oleh Rosyid H. Dimas
Soft Cover, Mei 2019 Rp. 55.000 Rp. 41.250 (25% OFF)
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Adat di tanah ini keyakinan kita. Kau harus memegang dan menjaganya agar keturunan kita kelak tahu asal-usul dan jati diri mereka sendiri. Menanam Warisan adalah kumpulan cerita pendek tentang pergolakan manusia ketika berhadapan dengan faktisitas-faktisitas dunia. Cinta, agama, mitos, adat, politik, dan lingkungan sosial menjadi tema pokok kisah-kisah dalam buku ini. "Cerita selalu menyoal `apa yang diceritakan` dan `bagaimana menceritakannya`—entah dia sadari atau tidak. Rosyid, dalam ...
I Am My Own Home oleh Isyana Artharini
Soft Cover, Desember 2017
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What is it about male aloneness that makes it so desirable while female aloneness is seen as less so? What is it about male aloneness that is often seen as a heroic and poetic choice, while female aloneness is generally seen to have come from a lack of options? I am My Own Home is a documentation of what it means to be a 30-something Indonesian woman who lives alone, along with the contentment and loneliness that goes with it. Through wandering, literature, and pop culture, the essays ...
In The Hands of a Mischievous God oleh Theodora Sarah Abigail
Soft Cover, Desember 2017
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"This is a very tumultuous journey of self-discovery, and I worry that once I finally arrive at the doorstep of myself, I will knock—and the door will open to reveal an empty house." In the Hands of a Mischievous God is an intimate portrait of a young artist and her earliest memories. This stunning collection is written with frank, disarming honesty, and ranges from reflections on the rooms in her childhood home to her views on the concept of love. Each essay follows the red strings of ...