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A Bouquet of Memories and You (Soft Cover)
oleh Raissa Almira

Harga Resmi : Rp. 95.000
Harga : Rp. 76.000 (20% OFF)

Ketersediaan : Stock di Gudang Supplier

Format : Soft Cover
ISBN13 : 9786230047589
Tanggal Terbit : 10 Mei 2023
Bahasa : Indonesia
Penerbit : Elex Media Komputindo
Dimensi : 125 mm x 195 mm

Raissa Almira telah menulis beberapa buku, seperti Keep Going: A Collection of Self Love Poems tentang mencintai diri sendiri, kemudian buku keduanya berjudul A Thousand Words for You yang memberikan dua perspektif mengenai cinta, dan buku ketiganya, Something to Remember Me By yang memiliki tema kehidupan cinta. Selain menulis buku, Raissa juga aktif membagikan tips di media sosialnya, termasuk di YouTube. Di platform video ini Raissa membagikan tips seputar manajemen waktu hingga cara menerbitkan buku. Ia juga senang membuat vlog saat berjalan-jalan ke berbagai negara. belajar di luar negeri. Tentunya tips yang dibagikan Raissa terasa bermanfaat sama seperti isi buku-bukunya. Sinopsis Buku: Us in rewind was not as beautiful and compelling as we are now. There were rough patches, here and there, difficult conversations, every now and then; but they all led up to us being us, as of now. Closer to forever, better lovers for each other. Profil Penulis: Raissa Almira A lover of life, Raissa always tries to maximise her day by doing all she enjoys that would make her feel content and grateful for the life she has been given. Currently based in Melbourne, Australia to continue her study, she finds beauty in the city's every nook and cranny. Let's share the love of life by connecting with her on her Instagram account @raissa2606.

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