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Indonesian Civil Code Burgerlijk Wetboek voor Indonesia (Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata) Edisi Revisi (Hard Cover)
oleh Rani Simangunsong

Ketersediaan : Stock tidak tersedia

Format : Hard Cover
ISBN : 9792209298
ISBN13 : 9789792209297
Tanggal Terbit : Oktober 2008
Bahasa : English
Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Halaman : 386
Dimensi : 95 mm x 205 mm

Semi Hard Cover The world globalization has made Indonesia part of the world market. In conjunction with the globalization, foreign business entrepreneurs, either in trading or investment, verily need the knowledge of the prevailing laws and regula-tions in Indonesia. The necessity of such knowledge for the for-eign business entrepreneurs, both before they begin their business and during the undertaking of the business, is significant. In this scope, it is very important to provide them with the Eng-lish version of Indonesian laws and regulations, insomuch as English being the international lan-guage. "A must have for university students, law pro-fessionals, and those who are dealing with the international business world, where knowledge of Indonesian positive law is verily needed, espe-cially in relation with AFTA." --Prof. DR. Yusril Ihza Mahendra(Former Minister of Justice and Human Rights)

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