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Anne of the Island (Soft Cover)
oleh Lucy M. Montgomery

Ketersediaan : Stock tidak tersedia

Format : Soft Cover
ISBN : 6024020724
ISBN13 : 9786024020729
Tanggal Terbit : 2 Mei 2017
Bahasa : Indonesia
Penerbit : Qanita
Dimensi : 130 mm x 205 mm


Anne, yang telah beranjak dewasa, hijrah ke Kota Kingsport untuk kuliah. Tak hanya disibukkan dengan studinya, Anne juga direpotkan oleh panah-panah cinta, baik dari orang yang diimpikan maupun dari orang yang sama sekali tak diharapkan. Tak heran bila dia berujar kesal, "Kenapa sih, lelaki tak bisa menggunakan akal sehatnya?"  Banyak pengalaman menarik, lucu, dan menggugah dalam masa kuliah Anne. Mulai dari pertemuannya dengan Phillipa Gordon, gadis cantik kaya tapi plin-plan; tinggal bersama tiga sahabatnya di Patty's Place yang menyenangkan; lamaran-lamaran yang membuyarkan impian; hingga merencanakan pembunuhan kucing! Seru, kocak, sekaligus menyentuh, dan lagi-lagi menampilkan kepolosan serta semangat petualangan khas Anne Shirley!

Kategori dan Rangking Bestseller:
#339 di Buku > Fiksi > Romantis

Tentang Lucy M. Montgomery:
Lucy Maud Montgomery CBE, (always called "Maud" by family and friends) and publicly known as L.M. Montgomery, (30 November 1874-24 April 1942) was a Canadian author, best known for a series of novels beginning with Anne of Green Gables, published in 1908.

Once published, Anne of Green Gables was an immediate success. The central character, Anne, an orphaned girl, made Montgomery famous in her lifetime and gave her an international following.[1] The first novel was followed by a series of sequels with Anne as the central character.

The novels became the basis for the highly acclaimed 1985 CBC television miniseries, Anne of Green Gables and several other television movies and programs, including Road to Avonlea, which ran in Canada and the U.S. from 1990-1996.

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