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Last of The Wilds - Pembangkang Para Dewa (Soft Cover)
Buku Kedua Trilogi Age of The Five
oleh Trudi Canavan

Harga Resmi : Rp. 89.000
Harga : Rp. 71.200 (20% OFF)

Ketersediaan : Stock di Gudang Supplier

Format : Soft Cover
ISBN13 : 9789794336083
Tanggal Terbit : 4 Maret 2011
Bahasa : Indonesia
Penerbit : Mizan Fantasi
Dimensi : 130 mm x 210 mm x 30 mm

�Bunuh dia, Auraya!� perintah Huan. Tubuh sang Dewi berpendar di udara. �Dia bukan Leiard. Dia Mirar! Pembangkang para Dewa! Patuhi aku, Auraya!� tuntut Huan. Auraya tertegun. Sehabis perang, masih dihantui mimpi buruk, Auraya kembali ke Siyee untuk membantu suku mereka yang terkena wabah mematikan. Tak disangka, Auraya kembali bertemu Leiard, Penasihat Dreamweaver sekaligus kekasihnya, yang dulu tiba-tiba meninggalkannya begitu saja. Kini, Leiard muncul kembali di hadapan Auraya sebagai Mirar. Pemimpin kaum pembangkang, musuh utama para dewa, juga musuh utama para White dan kaum Circlian. Mirar, tokoh pemberontak yang pernah dikalahkan Juran, ternyata berhasil lolos dari kematian dan bertahan hidup hingga nyaris seabad kemudian. Kini, Huan mendesak Auraya menumpas Mirar sekarang dan selamanya. Mampukah Auraya melakukannya? Membunuh orang yang pernah mencintai dan dicintainya? Sebagai the White Auraya wajib mematuhi para Dewa, tetapi sebagai manusia dia juga punya cinta. Pilihan mana yang akan diambil Auraya? Seri Age of the Five: 1. Priestess of the White 2. Last of the Wilds 3. Voice of the God �Trudi menciptakan sebuah dunia yang indah nan terperinci ... wajib dibaca oleh semua pencinta fantasi!� �Jennifer Fallon, penulis bestseller novel fantasi The Demon Child Trilogy

Kategori dan Rangking Bestseller:

Tentang Trudi Canavan:
Trudi Canavan was born in Kew, Melbourne, on the 23 October 1969, and grew up in Ferntree Gully, a suburb at the foothills of the Dandenongs. Her early interests were creative: primarily art, writing and music. Choosing art as the interest most likely to generate an income, she completed an Advanced Certificate in Promotional Display at the Melbourne College of Decoration, receiving an additional award for Highest Aggregate Mark in Art Subjects for 1988.

Her first employer was Lonely Planet Publications, where she worked as a designer, illustrator and cartographer. In 1993 she accepted a temporary position at Oxford University Press Australia as a promotional designer and was retained as permanent staff.

In 1995 she started The Telltale Art, a freelance business offering illustration, cartography and graphic design services. Her clients have included numerous Australian publishing companies, including Lonely Planet Publications, Pan MacMillan, Reed Education and HarperCollins.

Also in 1995, she began working for Aurealis, a magazine of Australian Fantasy and Science Fiction. In addition to her main role as art editor, involving the design of the magazine and exhibition displays and the commissioning of art, she has read manuscripts, created web pages and stuffed envelopes. In 2004, ...

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