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Sleep No More (Soft Cover)
oleh Greg Iles

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Format : Soft Cover
ISBN13 : 9789791227445
Tanggal Terbit : Maret 2009
Bahasa : Indonesia
Penerbit : Bentang Pustaka

Kehadiran Eve Sumner membuat Waters terperangah. Bukan karena Eve cantik dan memesona. Lebih dari itu, Eve adalah juga Malorie, yang selalu terobsesi dengannya. Mustahil memang mengingat Malorie telah terbunuh beberapa tahun yang lalu. Lantas, siapa Eve sebenarnya? Benarkah ia hanya mengarang cerita tentang jatidirinya? Apa hubungan mereka sebenarnya? Apakah Malorie benar-benar sudah mati? Waters harus tahu jawaban semua pertanyaan itu. Jika tidak, ia akan kehilangan seluruh anggota keluarganya. Novel ini merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak karya penulis novel misteri kenamaan, Greg Iles. Sama halnya dalam novel lainnya, The Footprints of God, sekali lagi Greg Iles mengajak kita berpetualang menguak sebuah misteri dahsyat. Misteri yang membuat Anda terus terjaga sepanjang malam. Jadi, jangan baca buku ini jika Anda masih menginginkan tidur yang lelap!

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Tentang Greg Iles:
Greg Iles was born in Germany in 1960, where his father ran the US Embassy Medical Clinic during the height of the Cold War. He spent his youth in Natchez, Mississippi, and graduated from the University of Mississippi in 1983.

Greg founded the band "Frankly Scarlet" and spent several years playing music for a living. The year after he was married, he gigged on the road for 50 weeks out of 52, and realized that this lifestyle was simply not sustainable with a family. He quit the band and began working eighteen hours a day on his first novel, Spandau Phoenix, a thriller about Nazi war criminal Rudolf Hess. When Greg sold this manuscript, he left the music business to complete the book.

Over the course of his next few books, Greg broke the formula adhered to by most commercial novelists and wrote in a variety of genres. Surprisingly, each found a place on the bestseller list, and today readers look forward to discovering what new subject Greg has explored in his latest novel.

Greg's novels have been translated into more than a dozen languages and published in more than twenty countries ...

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(Soft Cover)
oleh Greg Iles
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(Soft Cover)
oleh Greg Iles
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(Soft Cover)
oleh Greg Iles
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