John Michaelson
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Soft Cover (2)

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Annisa - Edisi Bahasa Inggris oleh John Michaelson
Soft Cover, September 2015
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A young Indonesian woman with an ailing mother and a celebrity father whose moon is on the wane. A painful family secret dragged into the open, a subversive Western lecturer, and nowhere else to turn. A steady drift into dangerous waters, a choice between black and white when everything seems grey. ‘A simple and perceptive drama, Annisa shines a light on social matters close to the hearts of many Indonesians.’ Muzakkir Husain, Berita Satu ...
Muallaf oleh John Michaelson
Soft Cover, Juli 2014
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‘Why did you decide to become a Muslim?’ This is a question often asked of me. Whenever I visit a mosque or musholla, whenever I avoid food and drink due to fasting, whenever I say ‘Peace be upon you’ to a fellow brother or sister. And you know what? I have never been able to offer a good enough answer. For I would need to talk of pain and heartache, of family and friendship, of laughter and longing. And ultimately, of finding love and acceptance in the heart of Indonesia. ...