Politik & Hukum
Sosial & Politik

Soft Cover (4)
Hard Cover (1)

Hasil: 1 - 5 dari 5
The Children of War (English Version) oleh Forum Silaturahmi Anak Bangsa
Soft Cover, Oktober 2015
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Dragonflyers oleh Christine Velde
Soft Cover, Agustus 2015
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is book explores the lives of prominent expatriates working in varying fi elds and aims to understand why they were drawn to Indonesia and examines their diverse, but valuable contributions to Indonesia and its way of life. In doing so, it will facilitate a better understanding for readers in the East and the West regarding the contributions of prominent expatriates to Indonesia and their feelings towards a country which in many cases, may have become their ...
Hard Cover, Januari 2008
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Dalam edisi bahasa Inggris ini, Miranda Goeltom, deputi senior Bank Indonesia, membahas secara komprehensif perkembangan sektor moneter, perbankan, dan finansial Indonesia. Selain itu ia juga membicarakan sektor riil, tenaga kerja, dan area lainnya berdasarkan pengalamannya sebagai dosen, peneliti, dan pejabat di kantor Menko Ekuin. Buku ini mencoba menjembatani kesenjangan antara teori dan realitas. Dengan pendekatan ini, akademisi dan pembuat kebijakan bisa saling melengkapi. Pengalaman ...
Violent Internal Conflicts in Asia Pacific
Histories, Political Economies, and Policies
oleh Glenn Smith, Dewi Fortuna Anwar
Soft Cover Rp. 180.000 Rp. 144.000 (20% OFF)
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Wilayah Asia-Pasifik tidak setenang nama yang diembannya. Meskipun risiko konflik antar negara telah banyak berkurang dalam beberpa tahun terakhir ini, namun satu dekade terakhir telah memperlihatkan mening-katnya konflik kekerasan internal. ...
Sex, Power and Nation oleh Julia I. Suryakusuma (1)
Soft Cover
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Sex, Power and Nation, brings together for the first time Julia Suryakusuma's essays spanning 24 years of writing, applying her analysis to Suharto's regime and that of Indonesia's fledgling democratic politicians.Divided into three parts: "Building a New Nation?", "Sex and Power", and "Literature: Exploration and Boundaries" the book explores the characteristics, hypocrisy, sex manipulations of the New Order regime in the great nation through the eyes of a feminist ...