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Hasil: 21 - 40 dari 40
Soft Cover, Juni 2023 Rp. 115.000 Rp. 80.500 (30% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Belajar Bahasa Inggris yang menarik dan variatif berdasarkan Capaian Pembelajaran (CP) dalam Kurikulum Merdeka terbaru. Terdapat fitur pembelajaran aktif dan aplikatif yang berfungsi menguatkan nilai luhur Pancasila peserta didik.   Fitur-fitur dan keunggulan produk: 🔖Berisi Proyek Pengembangan Profil Pelajar Pancasila. 🧩Aktivitas pembelajaran yang beragam mencakup 6 kemampuan berbahasa. 📢Disertai Vocabulary yang berkaitan dengan topik utama yang sedang dipelajari ...
Soft Cover, Oktober 2010 Rp. 60.000 Rp. 51.000 (15% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Teacher's Production workbooks are produced by qualified teachers with many years of teaching and writing experience. The Workbooks are written in line with themes learned in the school. Comprehension and thinking skills are included in the lessons. Students can benefit from the creative and attractive presentation of the exercises. Questions are made interisting, varied and challenging. They are coupled with catchy illustrations to captivate and prolong attention span. This series of ...
Soft Cover, Oktober 2010 Rp. 60.000 Rp. 51.000 (15% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Teacher's Production workbooks are produced by qualified teachers with many years of teaching and writing experience. The Workbooks are written in line with themes learned in the school. Comprehension and thinking skills are included in the lessons. Students can benefit from the creative and attractive presentation of the exercises. Questions are made interisting, varied and challenging. They are coupled with catchy illustrations to captivate and prolong attention span. This series of ...
Soft Cover, Oktober 2010 Rp. 60.000 Rp. 51.000 (15% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Teacher's Production workbooks are produced by qualified teachers with many years of teaching and writing experience. The Workbooks are written in line with themes learned in the school. Comprehension and thinking skills are included in the lessons. Students can benefit from the creative and attractive presentation of the exercises. Questions are made interisting, varied and challenging. They are coupled with catchy illustrations to captivate and prolong attention span. This series of ...
Manajemen Proyek oleh Ir.Abrar Husen,MT
Soft Cover, Maret 2009
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Manajemen Proyek adalah bidang ilmu yang sangat penting untuk dikuasai. Buku ini membahas secara lengkap manajemen proyek dimulai dari pengenalan manajemen proyek dan jenis-jenisnya, perencanaan, penjadwalan, hingga pengendalian proyek itu sendiri. Buku ini sangat bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa yang mengambil matakuliah manajemen proyek dan juga bagi praktisi serta umum yang ingin memperdalam mengenai manajemen proyek. Buku ini mengupas tuntas tentang : * Karakteristik dan siklus proyek ...
Soft Cover, Oktober 2010 Rp. 60.000 Rp. 51.000 (15% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Teacher's Production Workbooks are produced by qualified teachers with many years of teaching and writing experience. This series of books has been recommended by principals/HODs of many schools. Some schools adopt these materials for use in their classes while others promote them for home use. Teacher's production believes that learning should be challenging and creative. To meet the objective of developing creative independent learners, thinking skills and problem solving strategies are ...
Soft Cover, Oktober 2010 Rp. 60.000 Rp. 51.000 (15% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Teacher's Production Workbooks are produced by qualified teachers with many years of teaching and writing experience. This series of books has been recommended by principals/HODs of many schools. Some schools adopt these materials for use in their classes while others promote them for home use. Teacher's production believes that learning should be challenging and creative. To meet the objective of developing creative independent learners, thinking skills and problem solving strategies are ...
Principles of Accounting Indonesia Adatation Edition 2 Volume 2 oleh James M. Reeve, Carl S. Warren, Jonathan E. Duchac
Soft Cover Rp. 209.900 Rp. 167.920 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Principles of Accounting Indonesia Adaptation 2nd Edition combines the prominent and widely-adopted Principles of Accounting by James M. Reeve, Carl S. Warren, and Jonathan E. Duchac, with the uniqueness of Indonesia's business environment. The adaptor team consisting of well-experienced academician from University of Indonesia and Airlangga University has adapted the text by highlighting special features, such as: - More than 75 Indonesian real companies are presented inside various ...
Soft Cover, 2006
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Buku ini dipakai di fakultas ekonomi jurusan manajemen S1. Mahasiswa S2 manajemen, Magister Manajemen (MM), periklanan juga menggunakan. Buku ini membahas penyelenggaraan riset di bidang pemasaran, terutama riset mengenai perilaku konsumen. Para mahasiswa berbagadai fakultas dapat menggunakan buku ini untuk mata kuliah metodologi riset atau untuk penyusunan skripsi/ tesis. ...
Soft Cover, November 2009
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Smart Mathematics # 1 oleh Sasbadi
April 2011 Rp. 68.000 Rp. 44.200 (35% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Suka Buku Bilingual Matematika SMA Kelas X oleh Pipit Pratiwi Rahayu, S.Si , Noorma Yulia Megawati, S.Si , Raditya Panji, S.Si
Soft Cover, Desember 2009
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Suka Buku Bilingual Matematika SMA Kelas XI oleh Pipit Pratiwi Rahayu, S. Si. DKK
Soft Cover, September 2009 Rp. 43.000 Rp. 34.400 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Teaching English To Indonesian Young Learners oleh Prof. Dr. Abd. Hakim Yassi, Dipl., TESTL., M.A.
Soft Cover, Maret 2018 Rp. 64.000 Rp. 51.200 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Bahasa Inggris sudah menjadi kebutuhan penting di era informasi ini. Banyak informasi dan pengetahuan tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris, yang telah menjadi salah satu bahasa pengantar di level internasional. Oleh karena itu, para siswa dan mahasiswa akan sangat terbantu jika mampu menguasainya dengan baik, terutama untuk pengembangan keilmuan dan keperluan pragmatis. Buku ini dirancang khusus untuk para siswa yang ingin menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar. Untuk itu, sebagai sebuah ...
Soft Cover
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Matematika dan bahasa Inggris merupakan pelajaran yang dianggap sulit oleh siswa. Sebab, matematika terdiri dari sistem penghitungan dan rumus. Sedangkan, bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa asing yang memiliki struktur kalimat dan pelafalan yang tidak sama dengan bahasa Indonesia. Oleh sebab itu, banyak membuat siswa tidak bersemangat mempelajari kedua mata pelajaran tersebut. Atas dasar itu, perlu adanya suatu metode baru agar pelajaran ini lebih enak dipelajari, mudah dipahami, dan mudah ...
Soft Cover Rp. 15.000 Rp. 12.750 (15% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Siapa yang tak kenal dengan matematika? Pelajaran yang satu ini paling banyak ditakuti oleh siswa. Tapi, tunggu dulu. Kalian jangan takut. Di sini, matematika akan dibuat lebih mudah dipelajari, yaitu dengan TTS (Teka-Teki Silang). Tentu kalian telah mengenal TTS. Sebagian besar orang menggunakannya untuk mengisi waktu luang. Di buku ini, TTS digunakan sebagai media belajar yang menyenangkan. Dengan TTS, pengetahuan akan bertambah, otak terasah, dan kemampuan mengingat akan meningkat. Nah, ...
Soft Cover, Oktober 2010 Rp. 60.000 Rp. 51.000 (15% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Teacher's Production Workbooks are produced by qualified teachers with many years of teaching and writing experience. This series of books has been recommended by principals/HODs of many schools. Some schools adopt these materials for use in their classes while others promote them for home use. Teacher's production believes that learning should be challenging and creative. To meet the objective of developing creative independent learners, thinking skills and problem solving strategies are ...
Soft Cover, Oktober 2010 Rp. 60.000 Rp. 51.000 (15% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Teacher's Production Workbooks are produced by qualified teachers with many years of teaching and writing experience. This series of books has been recommended by principals/HODs of many schools. Some schools adopt these materials for use in their classes while others promote them for home use. Teacher's production believes that learning should be challenging and creative. To meet the objective of developing creative independent learners, thinking skills and problem solving strategies are ...
Soft Cover, September 2021 Rp. 58.000 Rp. 46.400 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Workbook 3 oleh Robby Lou
Soft Cover, September 2021 Rp. 57.000 Rp. 45.600 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier