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Indonesian Delicacies
165 Popular Snacks Across The Archipelago
oleh Yasa Boga
Hard Cover, Oktober 2015
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A quick perusal of this book will show how original and creative they are, when it comes to indulgence through delectable snacks and refreshments. It is pure abandon; a riot of forms, flavours and colours. Yet amazingly, these palate pleasers are sacrosanct - made since time immemorial using the same techniques, ingredients and utensils. Indonesian snacks are not only a long cherished tradition, it is also an art form passed down through generations. The majority of snacks are sweet, others ...
Indonesian Kitchen
300 Popular Recipes Across The Archipelago
oleh Yasa Boga
Hard Cover, Oktober 2015
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Nowhere in the world is as fascinating as Indonesia. An archipelago stretching across the equator, it is as diverse in nature as in culture... Indonesia is made of 7000 islands, inhabited by more than 300 tribes, each with their own dialect, belief and tradition. The majority cultivate rice as the staple diet, and farm in lush green mountainous regions. Others live in arid lands and formidable seafarers, searching for sea bounties. Some Indonesian dishes are heavily spiced, others rely ...