
Hasil: 1 - 20 dari 478
Journal of Joy oleh Sarah Amijo
Soft Cover, November 2023 Rp. 125.000 Rp. 93.750 (25% OFF)
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Step into a whimsical world where joy embraces life’s trials. This book will uncover your inner power to radiate joy, even in the face of challenges. From sipping warm peppermint tea to unleashing a mountain-top scream, let these magical moments ignite the spark of joy within. This book reminds us that joy is a choice, a guiding light in our darkest hours. Share its wisdom with loved ones and together, let’s paint the world with contagious joy. Choose joy and watch your heart take ...
Soft Cover, Juni 2023 Rp. 99.000 Rp. 74.250 (25% OFF)
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Learning English starting at an early age has various benefits for children, such as: improving children's cognitive abilities, sharpen children's brains, including their ability to solve problems, think critically, and listen well, improve children's memory, concentration, and ability to multitask, sharpen children's creativity and also help children in academic matters. Sinopsis Buku: This book features many interesting and important English activities for children, especially children ...
Soft Cover, Juni 2023 Rp. 59.000 Rp. 41.300 (30% OFF)
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Soft Cover, Juni 2023 Rp. 59.000 Rp. 41.300 (30% OFF)
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Quest: Crossword, Word Search, Maze, Addition and Subtraction and many more   ...
Hard Cover, Mei 2023 Rp. 75.000 Rp. 56.250 (25% OFF)
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Abridged Classic Series merupakan seri cerita klasik dengan bahasa disederhanakan sehingga cocok dibaca untuk anak. Sherlock Holmes adalah karakter detektif terkenal yang kasus-kasusnya telah menjadi cerita klasik. Dengan membaca kisah-kisahnya, anak tak hanya terpukau dengan kecermatan dan kemampuannya menganalisis segala sesuatu, tetapi juga mengetahui seperti apa Inggris tahun 1880an yang menjadi latar tempat dan waktu cerita-ceritanya. Sinopsis buku: Join world-famous detective ...
Hard Cover, Mei 2023 Rp. 75.000 Rp. 56.250 (25% OFF)
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Abridged Classic Series merupakan seri cerita klasik dengan bahasa disederhanakan sehingga cocok dibaca untuk anak. Sherlock Holmes adalah karakter detektif terkenal yang kasus-kasusnya telah menjadi cerita klasik. Dengan membaca kisah-kisahnya, anak tak hanya terpukau dengan kecermatan dan kemampuannya menganalisis segala sesuatu, tetapi juga mengetahui seperti apa Inggris tahun 1880an yang menjadi latar tempat dan waktu cerita-ceritanya. Sinopsis buku: Join world-famous detective ...
Hard Cover, Mei 2023 Rp. 75.000 Rp. 56.250 (25% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Abridged Classic Series merupakan seri cerita klasik dengan bahasa disederhanakan sehingga cocok dibaca untuk anak. Sherlock Holmes adalah karakter detektif terkenal yang kasus-kasusnya telah menjadi cerita klasik. Dengan membaca kisah-kisahnya, anak tak hanya terpukau dengan kecermatan dan kemampuannya menganalisis segala sesuatu, tetapi juga mengetahui seperti apa Inggris tahun 1880an yang menjadi latar tempat dan waktu cerita-ceritanya. Sinopsis buku: Join world-famous detective Sherlock ...
Soft Cover, April 2023 Rp. 75.000 Rp. 56.250 (25% OFF)
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Sinopsis Buku : Nesya dan teman-teman sekelasnya akan mengadakan pentas drama. Semua anak begitu bersemangat untuk ikut serta. Rina ingin menjadi harimau, Gede ingin menjadi rusa yang lincah, Nesya dan Gea ingin menjadi putri. Apa mereka bisa? Keunggulan Buku : - Gaya bahasa ringan, cerita mudah dicerna. - Buku merupakan hasil dari program pengembangan buku anak bersama Room to Read. - ilustrasi menawan. Profil Penulis : Shoba Dewey Chugani amat senang membacakan buku kepada ...
Hard Cover, Desember 2021 Rp. 75.000 Rp. 56.250 (25% OFF)
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Follow Black Beauty's adventures in Victorian England. From surviving a burning barn to rescuing his owners, Beauty's life is filled with danger and excitement. will he learn the meaning of love and courage? this touching tale has been retold and adapted with new illustrations, making it perfect for younger readers. ...
Hard Cover, Box, Desember 2021 Rp. 75.000 Rp. 56.250 (25% OFF)
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Oliver Twist is an orphan after escaping a cruel workhouse for the poor, he comes to live with the criminal Fagin, the sneaky Artful Dodger, and a group of pickpockets. Will he be a street urchim forever? This heartwarming tale has been retold and adapted with new illustrations, making it perfect for younger readers. ...
Hard Cover, Desember 2021 Rp. 75.000 Rp. 56.250 (25% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
After a tornado sweeps Dorothy away from her family to the magical land of Oz, she longs to return home. Will she ever make it back, or ill he be thwarted by the Wicked Witch of the West? This magical late has been retold and adopted with new illustrations, making it perfect for younger readers. ...
Soft Cover, Juli 2021 Rp. 98.000 Rp. 73.500 (25% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Buku ini ditulis untuk masyarakat luas. Bagi para pelajar, buku ini akan menunjang pelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah. Bagi para guru, buku ini dapat dijadikan materi alternatif tentang bagaimana membuat percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris di kelas. Bagi para karyawan dan profesional, buku ini dapat dijadikan alat bantu untuk menghadapi wawancara atau melakukan presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Bagi masyarakat umum, buku ini sangat bermanfaat karena sarat akan pengetahuan umum. Buku ini ditulis ...
Zoza from Kasmania oleh Nelson Tansu
Soft Cover, Februari 2020
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This story is about the journey of Zoza, a young glolumen, who lived in the beautiful village of Kasmania. Zoza was born with a bulb, which would guide him about good characters. ln his journey, the bulb helped him to grow up to become a better glolumen. This book teaches children the importance of having good values in their pursuits of happiness. Having the bravery to do the right things, the love and empathy for others, and the mental strengths for handling successes and challenges in ...
Abridged Classic Series: Treasure Island oleh Robert Louis Stevenson
Hard Cover, Januari 2020 Rp. 75.000 Rp. 56.250 (25% OFF)
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Treasure Island Join Jim Hawkins Is he embarks on the adventure of a lifetime to the treacherous Treasure Island-1 voyage filled with swashbuckling pirates, dastardly schemes, ond unforgettable characters such as Long John Silver. This action-pocked tole hos been refold ond oclopted with new making 11- perfect for younger readers. ...
Hard Cover, Desember 2019 Rp. 60.000 Rp. 45.000 (25% OFF)
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Robinson Crusoe could never have guessed what a sailor's life held in store for him. Find out how he faces pirates, slavery, and shipwreck, and survives twenty-eight years on a desert island. This thrilling tale has been retold and adapted with new illustrations, making it perfect for younger readers. ...
Hard Cover, Desember 2019 Rp. 60.000 Rp. 45.000 (25% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
When Mary is sent to live in a Gloomy house in England, she feels very lonely But then she find the key to lost garden, and makes a new friend, Dickon. Can the magical garden help her cousin Colin, too? This wonderful tale has been retold and adapted with new illustrations, making it perfect for younger readers. ...
Soft Cover, September 2019
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English Classics: The Picture of Dorian Gray ...
Soft Cover, September 2019 Rp. 47.000 Rp. 35.250 (25% OFF)
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“All men, however highly educated, retain some superstitious inklings.” ...
Soft Cover, September 2019 Rp. 50.000 Rp. 37.500 (25% OFF)
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“A man has to be very careful, not only of his fists, but of his words.” English Classics: The Railway Children English Classics is literature's collection with particular rooms for increase reader's interest in reading classics. This book including he Railway Children as one of the collections. Come to us to enjoy the beautifully and extraordinary of three best friends who make some pride and adventure in railway with Phylis, Peter, and Roberta. ...
Hard Cover, September 2019 Rp. 60.000 Rp. 45.000 (25% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Heidi loves her simple life on the mountains, and she is heartbroken when she is taken to live in the city. She soon makes new friends, but she misses her grandfather, the goats, and her friend Peter. Will Heidi ever be allowed to return home? This enchanting tale has been retold and adapted with new illustrations, making it perfect for younger readers. ...