
Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Soft Cover (4)
Hard Cover (1)

Hasil: 1 - 5 dari 5
Today I Am Grateful oleh AYANG CEMPAKA X LLIA
Soft Cover, Januari 2019
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When you're grateful, you will get more to be grateful for. This is a gratitude journal with writing prompts and reflections to live a thankful life, enjoying the now and creating heaven on earth. Let's write. ...
Hard Cover, Juli 2016 Rp. 109.000 Rp. 81.750 (25% OFF)
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I wanted to say, "I would love to know your obsessions, Is it landed house, gadgets, power, domestic life, succulent plants, achievements, money, work, more likes and followers, health, validations, sex, organic food, pets, perfect selfies, children, sports, religion, relationship, minimalism, perfection, muscles, urban toys, shoes, traveling, or fame?" but nobody is prepared for that kind of question on a first date. So I said, "You look great." ...
Soft Cover, September 2012
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Anand's analysis will no only interest the academia, particularly the historians, but also the lay people passionate about the subject. In fact, he does not stop at that. It is not only the histories and misteries of the ancient Sundaland that he shares through the pages of this book, but also its age old wisdom that is still relevant, and which, as the inheritors of that ancient heritage, we all should be proud of. — Drs. Soedarmono, SU; History Lecturer of Sebelas Maret University ...
Changing Impossible to I'mposibble oleh Victor Setiawan Taslim
Soft Cover, Mei 2011
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Changing Impossible to I'mpossible will be one of the most exciting reads in your life. Readers will travel an unending quest to self-mastery that is uniquely filled with Victor's personal anecdotes and experiences. Sahring his life's journey, Victor is not just telling his story for the sake of a story to be told, but to connect and relate with us about the similarities that we are all faced with every day. Changing Impossible to I'mpossible covers a whole different range of personal ...
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8 Rahasia Sang Idiot Kaya
Gak Perlu Titel buat Jadi Miliarder!
oleh Robert Shemin
Soft Cover, September 2009
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Dalam 8 Rahasia Sang Idiot Kaya, penulis buku laris Robert Shemin untuk pertama kalinya mengungkap rahasia orang-orang superkaya. Pernahkah Anda bertanya mengapa sebagian orang mampu menarik kekayaan sementara sebagian lain tetap saja terjebak dalam masalah keuangan dan utang? Kuncinya adalah berpikir secara terbalik dalam mencari kekayaan. Ikuti semua aturan lama tentang cara mencari uang maka Anda akan tetap miskin. Langgar aturan-aturan tersebut dan jadilah kaya! Buku ini akan menunjukkan ...