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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Book 5) (Paperback)
oleh JK Rowling

Ketersediaan : Stock tidak tersedia

Format : Paperback
ISBN : 0439358078
ISBN13 : 9780439358071
Tanggal Terbit : Agustus 2004
Bahasa : English
Penerbit : Scholastic
Halaman : 870


I say to you all, once again--in the light of Lord Voldemort?s return, we are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided. Lord Voldemort?s gift for spreading discord and enmity is very great. We can fight it only by showing an equally strong bond of friendship More...and trust. So spoke Albus Dumbledore at the end of Harry Potter?s fourth year at Hogwarts. But as Harry enters his fifth year at wizard school, it seems those bonds have never been more sorely tested. Lord Voldemort?s rise has opened a rift in the wizarding world between those who believe the truth about his return, and those who prefer to believe it?s all madness and lies--just more trouble from Harry Potter. Add to this a host of other worries for Harry? ? A Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher with a personality like poisoned honey ? A venomous, disgruntled house-elf ? Ron as keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch team ? And of course, what every student dreads: end-of-term Ordinary Wizarding Level exams ?and you?d know what Harry faces during the day. But at night it?s even worse, because then he dreams of a single door in a silent corridor. And this door is somehow more terrifying than every other nightmare combined. In the richest installment yet of J. K. Rowling?s seven-part story, Harry Potter confronts the unreliability of the very government of the magical world, and the impotence of the authorities at Hogwarts. Despite this (or perhaps because of it) Harry finds depth and strength in his friends, beyond what even he knew; boundless loyalty and unbearable sacrifice. Though thick runs the plot (as well as the spine), readers will race through these pages, and leave Hogwarts, like Harry, wishing only for the next train back.

Kategori dan Rangking Bestseller:

Tentang JK Rowling:
Joanne Kathleen Rowling sejak kecil punya cita-cita jadi penulis. Tapi, mengikuti saran orangtuanya, ia belajar Sastra Prancis di Universitas Exeter supaya bisa jadi sekretaris yang mampu bicara dwibahasa. Pekerjaan itu ternyata tidak cocok baginya. Soalnya, bukannya mencatat jalannya rapat, ia malah sibuk mengarang cerita. Akhirnya ia dipecat dan sejak itu gonta-ganti pekerjaan.

Tahun 1990, dalam perjalanan dari Manchester ke London, kereta yang ditumpanginya mogok selama sekitar empat jam. saat duduk di kereta, sambil memandangi segerombolan sapi melalui jendela, ide tentang kisah Harry Potter muncul di benaknya. Selama beberapa bulan berikutnya Joanne sibuk mengembangkan kisah petualangan penyihir cilikini. September 1990 ia pindah ke Portugal dan bekerja sebagai guru bahasa Inggris. Disana ia jatuh cinta pada seorang jurnalis televisi bernama Jorge Arantes. Mereka menikah dan tahun 1993, lahirlah putri mereka, Jessica. Tak lama setelah itu mereka bercerai, dan Joanne balik ke Edinburgh, Skotlandia. Pada masa itu hidup Joanne benar-benar terpuruk, begitu miskin sehingga ke mana-mana ia jalan kaki meski ongkos bus kota murah. Ia sering menulis di kafe, karena flatnya yang sempit dan dingin jelas bukan tempat yang penuh inspirasi. Untung si pemilik kafe baik bati, membiarkan Joanne menulis di sana meski ia cuma mememsan secangkir kopi dan segelas air, sementara bayinya ...

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