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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7) (Soft Cover)
oleh JK Rowling

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Format : Soft Cover
ISBN : 0545139708
ISBN13 : 9780545139700
Tanggal Terbit : 21 Juli 2007
Bahasa : English
Penerbit : Arthur A. Levine Books
Halaman : 784


Readers beware. The brilliant, breathtaking conclusion to J.K. Rowling's spellbinding series is not for the faint of heart--such revelations, battles, and betrayals await in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows that no fan will make it to the end unscathed. Luckily, Rowling has prepped loyal readers for the end of her series by doling out increasingly dark and dangerous tales of magic and mystery, shot through with lessons about honor and contempt, love and loss, and right and wrong. Fear not, you will find no spoilers in our review--to tell the plot would ruin the journey, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is an odyssey the likes of which Rowling's fans have not yet seen, and are not likely to forget. But we would be remiss if we did not offer one small suggestion before you embark on your final adventure with Harry--bring plenty of tissues.

The heart of Book 7 is a hero's mission--not just in Harry's quest for the Horcruxes, but in his journey from boy to man--and Harry faces more danger than that found in all six books combined, from the direct threat of the Death Eaters and you-know-who, to the subtle perils of losing faith in himself. Attentive readers would do well to remember Dumbledore's warning about making the choice between "what is right and what is easy," and know that Rowling applies the same difficult principle to the conclusion of her series. While fans will find the answers to hotly speculated questions about Dumbledore, Snape, and you-know-who, it is a testament to Rowling's skill as a storyteller that even the most astute and careful reader will be taken by surprise.

A spectacular finish to a phenomenal series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is a bittersweet read for fans. The journey is hard, filled with events both tragic and triumphant, the battlefield littered with the bodies of the dearest and despised, but the final chapter is as brilliant and blinding as a phoenix's flame, and fans and skeptics alike will emerge from the confines of the story with full but heavy hearts, giddy and grateful for the experience. --Daphne Durham

Kategori dan Rangking Bestseller:

Tentang JK Rowling:
Joanne Kathleen Rowling sejak kecil punya cita-cita jadi penulis. Tapi, mengikuti saran orangtuanya, ia belajar Sastra Prancis di Universitas Exeter supaya bisa jadi sekretaris yang mampu bicara dwibahasa. Pekerjaan itu ternyata tidak cocok baginya. Soalnya, bukannya mencatat jalannya rapat, ia malah sibuk mengarang cerita. Akhirnya ia dipecat dan sejak itu gonta-ganti pekerjaan.

Tahun 1990, dalam perjalanan dari Manchester ke London, kereta yang ditumpanginya mogok selama sekitar empat jam. saat duduk di kereta, sambil memandangi segerombolan sapi melalui jendela, ide tentang kisah Harry Potter muncul di benaknya. Selama beberapa bulan berikutnya Joanne sibuk mengembangkan kisah petualangan penyihir cilikini. September 1990 ia pindah ke Portugal dan bekerja sebagai guru bahasa Inggris. Disana ia jatuh cinta pada seorang jurnalis televisi bernama Jorge Arantes. Mereka menikah dan tahun 1993, lahirlah putri mereka, Jessica. Tak lama setelah itu mereka bercerai, dan Joanne balik ke Edinburgh, Skotlandia. Pada masa itu hidup Joanne benar-benar terpuruk, begitu miskin sehingga ke mana-mana ia jalan kaki meski ongkos bus kota murah. Ia sering menulis di kafe, karena flatnya yang sempit dan dingin jelas bukan tempat yang penuh inspirasi. Untung si pemilik kafe baik bati, membiarkan Joanne menulis di sana meski ia cuma mememsan secangkir kopi dan segelas air, sementara bayinya ...

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