Ika Natassa

Soft Cover (5)

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Heartbreak Motel oleh Ika Natassa
Soft Cover, April 2022 Rp. 99.000 Rp. 79.200 (20% OFF)
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Dalam hidup yang tidak pernah berhenti menyimpan misteri dan menyembunyikan arti, tidak selalu memberikan jawaban atas setiap pertanyaan, dan waktu bergulir---satu jam, satu momen, satu hari, satu minggu, satu bulan---pertanyaan dan permasalahan baru terus lahir sebelum yang lama sempat terurai, Ava menemukan panggilan hati sebagai aktris sejak usianya enam belas tahun. Berpindah dari satu peran ke peran lain---ada yang dia pilih, ada yang memilihnya---Ava berupaya membuat semua yang tidak ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2019
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“Commitment is a funny thing, you know? It’s almost like getting a tattoo. You think and you think and you think and you think before you get one. And once you got one, it sticks to you hard and deep.” Do busy bankers tweet? Yes, they do. Empat tahun setelah Divortiare, Alexandra membuka kembali hidupnya kepada publik melalui akun Twitter @alexandrarheaw. Lembar demi lembar buku ini adalah hasil “mengintip” kehidupannya sehari-hari, pemikirannya yang witty dan sangat jujur, spontan, ...
Soft Cover, April 2014
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KEARA We’re both just people who worry about the breaths we take, not how we breathe. How can we be so different and feel so much alike, Rul? Dan malam ini, tiga tahun setelah malam yang membuat aku jatuh cinta, my dear, dan aku di sini terbaring menatap bintang-bintang di langit pekat Singapura ini, aku masih cinta, Rul. Dan kamu mungkin tidak akan pernah tahu. Three years of my wasted life loving you. RULY Yang tidak gue ceritakan ke Keara adalah bahwa sampai sekarang gue merasa ...
Soft Cover, November 2021 Rp. 93.000 Rp. 74.400 (20% OFF)
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The foundation of Hollywood formula is the meet-cute. ,It's when the female protagonist and the male protagonist meet by accident, a so-called chance encounter. Anya didn't believe in meet-cute. lt never happened in real life, she said. That is until-she met Ale on a flight)from Jakarta to Sydney-, as they were seated next to each other, and one silly incident led to seven hours of conversation between them. Seven hours of laughter and smiles, seven hours that soon changed them from strangers ...
Soft Cover, Mei 2021
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New York has become a cinematic icon often featured in movies, not just a setting but also as a character and subject of the story, like in Nora Ephron’s You’ve Got Mail, Woody Allen’s Annie Hall, and Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver. New York is practically one of the most culturally distinctive places in the world that Raia, a writer, chose to flee to this city to chase inspirations after years of not being able to write even a single sentence, imprisoned by a haunting trauma. Raia ...