Puisi & Sastra

Hasil: 1 - 20 dari 22
Buah Rindu oleh Amir Hamzah
Soft Cover, 2007
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Kumpulan puisi karya Amir Hamzah yang terus menerus di cetak ulang karena selalu terual, membuktikan bahwa karya-karya sastrawan kawakan ini masih tetap di gemari dan dikagumi sampai saat ini. A collection of poems enjoyable to read, these titles have often been reprinted. It is one of the best literary works by the Indonesian famous man of letters. ...
Perempuan Dipersimpangan Zaman oleh S. Takdir Alisjahbana
Soft Cover, 2007
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Keresahan dan kegalauan hati kaum perempuan untuk memilih antara karir dan cinta. Dituangkan dalam bentuk puisi dwi bahasa: Indonesia dan Inggris. Woman at cross Roads depict confusion and worries women in facing the ambivalence of their role in modern life. Bilingual poetry. ...
Deru Campur Debu oleh Chairil Anwar
Soft Cover, 2007
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Buku ini berisi sajak-sajak terkemuka Chairil Anwar yang dihiasi dengan ilustrasi. Dari kumpulan sajak ini tercermin perjuangan yang tak pernah padam dan terus membahana dalam perjalanan waktu. Meski ia telah lama pergi, karya-karyanya masih dapat kita nikmati hingga sekarang. Chairil Anwar, the pioneer of Indonesian modern literature expressed his over flaming spirit in words:"I want to live a thousands more years". His extraordinary works has always been will always be loved by his ...
A Brief Report on Water oleh Dr. Li Qing
Soft Cover, 2001
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People love to call Li Qing an apostle of poetry. He has played a leading role in popularizing Chinese poetry throughout the world. Li Qings realistic concern with life and his unaffected pursuit of the true, the good and the beauty become the soul of his poetry. Reading Li Qings poems means to know him and to know his simple and noble character - Liu Zhangqiu The image of war rises from the red pervading the spring of 99 in Kosovo; the red flowers are a reminiscence of the Kosovo peonies; ...
Bahaya-Bahaya Yang Indah *Puisi oleh Weslly Johannes
Soft Cover, Juni 2019
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Latihan Pergi Hidup adalah latihan pergi Dari satu kata menuju kata lain Dari satu kota menuju kota lain Sebelum kita benar benar pergi Dari semua kata, Dari semua kota Tanpa membawa satupun iota. Bersama sama kita telah berlatih membesarkan hati untuk pergi Meluaskan hati untuk iklas melepas Sementara hati kita kian besar dan luas Diri kita justru menjadi terlalu kecil 'tuk membawa membawa hati ke lain hati sebuah Penggalan Puisi karya Weslly Johannes, baca kumpulan ...
Before Dawn oleh Sapardi Djoko Damono
Hard Cover, 2005
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Before Dawn - Suddenly the Night, Lontar first publication, was released in 1987. Before Dawn, a completely revised and expanded version of this work, contains an additional thirty poems by Sapardi Djoko Damono, on of Indonesia’s most prominent poets. The writer, through the language of his poetry and its meaning, sound and rhythem, proves himself capable of depicting a highly imaginative awareness of experience. ...
Bhagawat Gita oleh Amir Hamzah
Soft Cover, 2007
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Bhagawat Gita adalah inti dari cerita agung Mahabarata, syair besar dalam pustaka Sansekerta. Lewat syair-syair indah bermakna dalam ini, diuraikan berbagai ajaran filsafat, agama dan kebajikan. Buku ini telah disalin ke semua bahasa penting dunia. Pujangga besar Indonesia, Amir Hamzah, berusaha menerjemahkan seloka-seloka Gita ini ke bahasa Indonesia yang kemudian dimuat berturut-turut dalam majalah Poejangga Baroe. Kini di kumpulkan dalam bentuk buku. Being chants of philosophy, ethics, ...
Gitanyali oleh Amal Hamzah
Soft Cover, 2007
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Kumpulan puisi pilihan karya sastrawan negeri timur jauh. Selected verses from the Oriental countries. ...
Hampir Aku Tetapi Bukan
(Almost Me but Not)
oleh Gracia Asri
Soft Cover, 2012
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Ini memang kumpulan puisi dwibahasa, artinya setiap puisi yang ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia mendapatkan terjemahan bahasa Inggris di sebelahnya. Penulis kini bermukin di Paris, sejak menyelesaikan program masternya di kota itu. ...
Lagu Pemacu Ombak oleh S. Takdir Alisjahbana
Soft Cover, 2007
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"Hidup adalah maju bergerak, selalu, selalu maju bergerak gembira berjuang dari tingkat yang satu ke tingkat yang lain". Lagu Pemacu Ombak merekam renungan S. Takdir Alisjahbana antara tahun 1936-1974 dalam bentuk lirik sajak. "To live is to step forward, alwasys moving forward, gladly struggling from one stage to another". This, and other fruits of S. Takdir Alisjahbana's meditations from 1936-1974 are presented in the from of verses. ...
MEDUSAE oleh Theodora Sarah Abigail
Soft Cover, Mei 2021
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A girl is born every hour. Goodbye, says the mother. Who are you? asks the father. Every hour, a new curse is unleashed upon the world. *** Once upon a time, in a near yet far-off place, a child sprung into being. Her misadventures, mysterious and absurd, are recounted here as poems. Accompanied by black-and-white illustrations from award-winning artist Nadiyah Rizki S, Medusae is a reincarnation of the myths, legends, and folklore passed down over the past three centuries—from ...
Nyanyi Sunyi oleh Amir Hamzah
Soft Cover, 2007
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Kumpulan puisi karya Amir Hamzah yang terus menerus di cetak ulang karena selalu terjual, membuktikan bahwa karya-karya sastrawan kawakan ini masih tetap di gemari dan dikagumi sampai saat ini. A collection of poems enjoyable to read, these titles have often been reprinted. It is one of the best literary works by the Indonesian famous man of letters. ...
Puisi Baru oleh S. Takdir Alisjahbana
Soft Cover, 2007
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Merupakan potret dari masa masyarakat yang berbeda. Hasil didikan S. Takdir Alisjahbana yang di kumpulkan dari karya berbagai sastrawan. Puisi Lama and Puisi Baru are pair of anthologies, each portraying a different epoch in Indonesian literature. Selected by S. Takdir Alisjahbana from works of Indonesia poets. ...
Puisi Lama oleh S. Takdir Alisjahbana
Soft Cover, 2007
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Merupakan potret dari masa masyarakat yang berbeda. Hasil didikan S. Takdir Alisjahbana yang di kumpulkan dari karya berbagai sastrawan. Puisi Lama and Puisi Baru are pair of anthologies, each portraying a different epoch in Indonesian literature. Selected by S. Takdir Alisjahbana from works of Indonesia poets. ...
Rebirth of Dreams oleh Indah P.
Soft Cover, November 2016
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The rebirth of a dream is an endless miracle. It will always be the center of the sparkling stars. It will always be the beginning of a journey. Although the clouds cover the night sky, the light of your heart will shine like the sun, as all the crystals of life... illuminate everyone... ...
Ripple Of Existence oleh J.C. Dawn
Hard Cover, Desember 2019 Rp. 98.000 Rp. 78.400 (20% OFF)
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Inner peace comes from realizing who you truly are: not the seeker, but the treasure. J.C. Dawn ...
Srihadi S. : Poetry Without Words oleh Srihadi Soedarsono
Coffee Table Book, 2002
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Tebaran Mega oleh S. Takdir Alisjahbana
Soft Cover, 2007
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Kumpulan puisi begitu menyentuh hati pembaca. Emosi di pancarkan cerminan jiwa penulisnya, yang ketika itu sedang dirundung duka mendalam. This touching poetry reflects the spirit of its writer which was at is lowest ebb. ...
The Book of Questions oleh Lala Bohang
Hard Cover, April 2018
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The Book of Questions is a playbook for all ...
Tigress *Puisi oleh AYU MEUTIA
Soft Cover, Desember 2018
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"Poets, Stay true because your words are not going to heal until you do." “The subtlety of Ayu’s words sometimes play a trick on her readers. Smooth and unassuming, but suddenly the warmth of her poetry will embrace you without a warning. The beauty of Tigress lies on how Ayu meticulously crafted her lines word by word with a touch of emotional force. It’s personal but visible and accessible, like a garden at your front yard. Don’t let her gentleness deceive you into thinking that her ...